No pillows
Per DSS Regulation, we cannot allow pillows as they are deemed a suffocation hazard.
No fuzzy blankets
Per DSS Regulation, we cannot allow thick, fuzzy blankets for the same reason stated above^. These will be sent home today and you will need to bring acceptable ones tomorrow. See the attachment if you need examples of what is allowed.
No diaper bags
Only Lunch boxes WITH ice packs - classrooms do not have a refrigerator. Please do not bring unnecessary, large backpacks. Everything should fit in their lunchbox.
Label ALL ITEMS brought to school!!!
Today several blankets were brought outside of a bag, with no names, and left inside the baskets. This is not acceptable.
Items INSIDE THE LUNCHBOX should also be labeled. Each item should be identified as your child's LUNCH or SNACK.
Office closed until 9:45AM
No one is available until after this time.
No morning phone calls
phone calls will not be accepted in the morning as there is no one available in the office until 9:45AM.
Not accepting children after 8:45AM
ONLY children with doctor's appointment that have already advised the office AHEAD OF TIME will be accepted after 8:45AM - no other exceptions.