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October's Newsletter

Writer's picture: Little StepsLittle Steps

Happy Fall Everyone!! Along with the signs of fall, we get to see all your children coming into school and begin a year of learning. We already are in the 2nd month of our school year and the classroom schedules and activities are well under way. Children are happy and have adjusted nicely to their class routines. It is very rewarding to witness these smooth transitions. We welcome all our new families beginning this month, we are happy to have you here!

Things to not forget:

-Infants parents needs to CALL the office every day when coming to pick up their child.

-Drop off time is still 7:00am to 8:45am. We cannot take children after that time. There is a cleaning/disinfecting protocol we follow that starts at 8:45am and we cannot receive anyone else after that time.

Cold Weather

The weather is changing and we would like for the children to enjoy it; Toddlers 1 and up will be using the outdoor playground at least once a day. Please be sure to send appropriate clothing for your child to go outside. LABEL each item of clothing your child will be wearing. It is amazing how many blue, black or pink jackets, hats, gloves, etc. show up in just one classroom. As cold weather arrives motor skills and independent dressing skills can be practiced through everyday dressing tasks. Have your child practice putting on/ taking off their own sweater and coat, threading and pulling up the zipper. When buying new winter gear for your child consider these suggestions:

-Try out the coat zipper. If it is hard for you to thread and zip it will be difficult for your child to practice and learn to zip/unzip by him/her self.

-Tight elastic on the bottom of a coat often makes it difficult for a young child to thread and zip up.

- Long coats are more difficult for children to thread and zip.

-Double zippers are harder to thread and zip.

-A coat with a little(but not too much) growing room is often easier for children to put on and take off by themselves.

-Don’t forget boots! Once again, they need to be easy to get on and off. If they are hard for you to get on their feet; it will be impossible for them to do it. Go for the easy on and off!

Be ready for those exciting words – “Look I did it myself!'


Uniform is required for the ages 2 and older. The uniform policy for the bottoms is khaki, navy blue and/or jeans.


Good Hygiene is very important, especially in a daycare setting. Please don’t forget the following:

*Keep your child’s nails low cut.

*Do not bring pacifiers or “security blankets” from home.

*Lunch boxes must be clean and odor free. Some will need to be replaced; the teachers will be sending the note.

*Clean containers for the lunch items; no glass, nor metal containers please.

*Please make a lice checking routine at home; we will also check constantly to make sure everyone is lice free.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays will be celebrated on October 30th; please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to bring any treats.

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